hey. I’m Katherine.

From Google to brand consultant to an acting COO to owning both an online & brick and mortar water-inspired apparel company to NLP & mindset coaching back to consulting to Human Design to Hypnotherapy to reiki to poetry —  I’ve gone to heaven and hell and back all in the name of exploring life. I test life to see what works, and to equip myself with what’s required to build your unique version of success.

Through the use of my vantage point and my words, I guide and support others on their way to wherever it is they’re looking to go.

My world & work is comprised of writing poetry [WHAT THE WATER TAUGHT ME], small business consulting / championing and life mentorship, archiving my experience of life biweekly on Have a Great Now, ghostwriting, interior design, and curating a life that feels rich in experience and energy.

What does HAVE A GREAT NOW mean?

In fall of 2019, in a season of chaos, I came up with two phrases that felt really important to me, “thrive in all tides” (which is the inspiration behind my podcast name ALL TIDES) and “have a great now.” The root of both concepts is simply that despite all that’s going on and what the conditions and textures of your life feel like, you deserve the tools to feel ok in your life, right now. Have a Great Now is the name of my “secret” Instagram poetry account, as well as my Substack, and now, a refreshed take on my offerings — as all that I offer aims to align us with the tools to find a present moment where we feel safe, peaceful, and free. In essence, to have a great now and to be thriving, no matter the waters.

I follow my instincts — and they’re active. I’ve developed a strong sense of inner guidance (a unique formula that everyone has) to inform my life moves, in all aspects. My unconditional approach to life is often misunderstood, but it’s absolutely moving me from “thing to thing” in order to educate me on all required both for my next steps, and as support of the humans who land in my world — it’s very clear that a large amount of my “soul seeking” is on behalf of others and it gets called on regularly.

…if that feels chaotic and wild, know that I’m a 1/4 Manifesting Generator in Human Design, so my nature that’s just me being me.

How do we get started on writing projects?

I’d love to weave my words with your intentions — if you have needs for site content, a blog, social captions, important correspondence editing, etc. Hell (oof daring pun), I’ll write an obit or a eulogy, too. Pitch me on what you need and share your time / budget constraints and I’ll return a proposal. Really it’s that easy — hello@katherinegramann.com

What’s the deal with your POV: “ASK ME ANYTHING” offer?

While your first question is free as my newsletter opt-in, this is your chance to pick my brain or access me for a gut check. This is coaching and support for the commitment averse, and umm, I feel you — that’s why this option exists. Your mind just wants you to be safe — your soul wants a life that’s truly you. Let’s get the mind, body AND soul to work TOGETHER. While I still offer 1:1 coaching, I love to support your true essence through this fun, easy, casual approach to topics that may feel anything but that.

While I’m certified in a lot of different modalities, I lean less on them and heavily on my intuition and your energy. I may reference NLP, EFT, TIME Techniques, Life & Success Coaching, Hypnotherapy (IBCP & ICP Accredited), Human Design & astrology, but mostly I’m just reading into your question and letting myself become the new vantage point, the mirror, the guide to help you land where you need.